PANDORA is the Pan-European Educational Platform on Multidrug Resistant Tumours and Personalised Cancer Treatment, and is funded by COST Innovators Grant (CIG). It follows on from the success of the COST Action STRATAGEM (CA17104). Further details of our project can be found on our website and on the COST Association website.
PANDORA is designed principally, but not exclusively, for PhD students, Post-docs and young researchers in all of the fields that can be seen relevant to the fight against Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) in tumours. It is a transdisciplinary platform that aims to provide you with training and education on a wide range of issues to allow you to have a better grasp the complexity of the MDR problem.
Join Pandora (Mailing List)
If you would like to be kept informed of, and potentially participate in, our activities, please
send an email (to stating your:
- name
- institution
- position (Professor, PhD student, researcher in private company, etc.)
- supervisor (if applicable)
- research area
- country
- whether you are considered a YRI (Young Researcher and Investigator – below 40 years of
You will then be added to our mailing list.